Case Study:

Greenpointe Painting Services

Published on
August 15, 2022
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When Ron Griffith, owner of Greenpointe Painting Services, contacted me about creating a website for the business, we started with a blank canvas. He had previously tried to create the website himself with Wix, but felt it was too "cookie cutter" and said he lacked the expertise and time to really create something effective.

As always, I start every project by doing an audit of the client's current online presence/marketing infrastructure. I found that there was no existing Google Business Profile (GBP) for Greenpointe Painting Services and a lack of NAP citations beyond Angi and Facebook. So, I also took on the task of helping Ron create and optimize a new GBP for the business and get some additional NAP citations to boost his local SEO rankings and visibility.


New marketing website with StoryBrand framework and clean, minimalistic design.

New GBP profile optimized with high-res photos, company branding, consistent messaging, and shows the wide range of Central Florida cities and counties they serve.

Guide for getting Google reviews.


Now that they're showing up in related local search results and showcasing their services and results, they're getting more qualified leads than ever!